Home Tips & Tutorials Veilig Je Fotografie Uitrusting Bewaren Op Reis

Veilig Je Fotografie Uitrusting Bewaren Op Reis


Your camera is an investment, and sometimes a costly one, so when traveling its essential to protect it. The last thing you want to remember about your vacation or trip is that your camera was lost, damaged or stolen. Here’s some tips to keep it safe while traveling.

Keeping Your Camera Gear Safe While Traveling

(image credits: flickr)

Stay Organized

Think about how much stuff you need to bring with you. Keep it at a minimum— the less you have to keep track of, the less there is to worry about. Planning your trip is exciting, but don’t go overboard by bringing a bunch of extra lights or backdrops if you don’t have to. Bring along a folding tripod, memory cards, the filters you use most often, extra batteries and a charger. Remember, you have to carry all this stuff!

Get the right gear

You need to get the right kind of protective gear for your camera and its accessories. You definitely want something that will keep your camera clean and dry. Find a bag that will protect it from the elements, with decent padding, pockets and waterproof lining. Consider a few factors such as what the weather will be like, what activities you will be doing and how often you’ll need to access your camera. We’ve published an overview of the best camera backpacks for this purpose.

It depends on how you’re getting there, but no matter what, you want to be able to keep track of all the gear you bring with you. If you’re taking any kind of public transportation, get a bag or containers that allow you to keep your equipment close to you at all times.

Let your camera be flashy, not you

Though it goes without saying, you want to be able to keep an eye on all your stuff during your trip. Unfortunately, theft is a risk factor when traveling with any electronics. Get a low-profile bag without flashy logos. Don’t ever leave your bag unattended, especially if you’re using public transportation like a long distance bus or train. It’s advisable to try and not look like a tourist, so don’t walk around with your camera around your neck unless you’re actually setting up a shot. If you have to leave your photo gear at a hotel, use the hotel safe, don’t just leave it on your dresser or in a drawer.

Keeping Your Camera Gear Safe While Traveling - IMAGE 2

(image credits: flickr)

Take a few precautions

For an extra level of safety, write down a list of everything you brought with you, including the serial numbers. This will help you keep track of what you brought, and if anything happens to it, it will be easier to get it back if ends up in the wrong hands.

Consider the elements

If you’re familiar with cleaning your camera by yourself, you might want to bring along your cleaning supplies, especially if you’re going somewhere with a lot of dust or sand in the air. You also might want to get some packets of desiccated silicon to stick in your bag, they help absorb any unwanted moisture. Definitely bring some microfiber tissues so you can safely wipe off your lens as needed (you’ll be glad you did if you end up taking your camera along for a long, sweaty hike). Keep your camera in its bag when you’re not using it to prevent any unnecessary exposure to weather in general.


For any kind of trip, bringing a camera can really make all the difference. It makes it easier to tell stories about your adventures, providing illustrations for even the smallest details you want to share with family and friends. You can really capture the emotions and atmosphere of your destination, and immerse yourself in the later for years to come. Just be careful, be organized and think ahead and your camera will be safe throughout your trip.

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